At the heart of Jesus’ teachings is to love and serve one another. At Good Shepherd, there are many ways to serve, both within the church and out into the community. Is there a place where God is calling you to serve?
Serve at Sunday Worship Services
Sundays aren’t the sole job of the pastor at Good Shepherd. There are many people who make Sundays a special time of worship, praise, and fellowship.
- Communion preparation
- Preparing the morning coffee and snacks
- Acolyte
- Altar Guild
- Assisting minister
- Communion Assistants
- Hospitality Team & Greeters
- Nursery Assistants
- Ushers
- Lectors
- Preparing Altar Flowers
- Clean up crew
Play Music

Since music is an integral part of worship, Good Shepherd welcomes a variety of musical offerings and opportunities for individuals to share their solo voices and musical instruments to enhance public worship.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir supports congregational singing of liturgical music and hymns at weekly traditional and several combined worship services throughout the program year (September-May) including Christmas Eve and Holy Week. The choir sings a variety of choral works and is open to adults and teens who have an interest in singing. Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings 7:00-8:30 in the nave.
Crossview Band
Crossview has been leading the contemporary Sing and Rejoice worship service at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church for over twenty years. Crossview plays praise and worship songs by current Christian artists as well as original music written by band members. We also offer some traditional favorites in a more modern arrangement. Rehearsals are held Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:30 in the nave.
Teach Sunday School
Good Shepherd offers Christian Education for children and adults. Most classes are lay led and volunteers are essential for a successful program.
In particular, we are looking for Storytellers and anyone who has gifts to share with the youngest members of Good Shepherd. Would you like to help children learn more about the Bible and how to apply it to everyday life? Do you want to make a difference in a child’s faith life? If so, Sunday School is for you! The only qualification is a love for God and a willingness to share that with children.
Committees & Ministries
It takes a lot of people to run a church! There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that happens at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Serving in the church is one way to love God and one another.
- Altar Guild– Maintaining worship and communion supplies, ordering seasonal flowers, washing altar linens and robes, hanging seasonal banners, etc.
- Caring Ministry– Reaches out to home-bound members and folks who are hospitalized
- Congregational Council– the governing body of Good Shepherd
- Communications– Keeps everyone in-the-know, submits e-newsletter, maintains social media accounts, and website content
- Education– decides on curriculum and approaches to Christian Education and Sunday School
- Emergency Shelter– Provides shelter for homeless families four weeks a month in the church
- Evangelism– To promote spiritual growth and health in and out of the congregation
- Generosity– Responsible for overseeing programs within the congregation intended to foster generosity of time, talent, and treasure.
- Hospitality– provides food and drink for various events
- Hunger Programs– Provides food and resources to people in our community
- IT/ Webmaster– Maintains the Website, together with Communications.
- Mutual Ministry– Provides care and support to the pastor
- Parish Life
- Pre-school– Serving as an outreach ministry to Frederick since 1964 with children and a dedicated staff.
- Property Committee– maintains the physical building and gardens
- Security– Ensures that the property and people are safe at GS
- Social Ministry– uses Gifts of Love funds to provide charity to our community and around the world
- Staff Support
- Vacation Bible School– One of the largest outreach events at GS
- Worship and Music– make decisions about how services will be conducted
- Youth Ministry– oversees the youth group activities
Community Outreach
- Emergency Family Shelter
- Youth Meal Packing Event
- Lutheran World Relief
- Operation Christmas Child
- Annual Yard Sale that raises funds for community efforts
- Caring for individual needs as they arise
- Compassion International, we sponsor Leydi and Messiah.
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