Good Shepherd celebrates Sunday mornings with both a Traditional Lutheran Service and a more contemporary Sing And Rejoice Service led by CrossView, our praise team. Both worship services provide the opportunity for everyone to praise God, hear God’s Word, and share in the Lord’s Supper.
Here’s more information about our services . . .
8:45 am – Traditional Service
Liturgy of Word and Sacrament with preaching, readings and sacred music. At this service, worshipers can sing with the traditional music of the pipe organ as well as listen to superb choral offerings. This services follows a traditional Lutheran Liturgy found the congregation’s worship book- the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (or ELW ).
10:00 am – Education & Fellowship
Our Sunday School meets during this time with Christian education for ALL ages. Learn more about Christian Education at Good Shepherd.
Register for Sunday School: Sunday School Registration
11:00 am – Sing & Rejoice Service
A contemporary praise service of song and Holy Communion, featuring the Crossview Band and vocalists. This service has a more casual and upbeat feel with lively music, some of which has been written and composed especially for the family of faith at Good Shepherd.
Won’t you join us? We saved a place for YOU!
As we follow Jesus, we are growing to live out God’s command to love
no matter what. We strive to generously welcome, nurture, and
serve each other, our community, and the world.
Welcome to long-time Lutherans, Christians from every tradition, and people new to faith.
Welcome to believers and doubters, and to doubting believers.
Welcome to new friends and familiar friends.
Welcome to people of every age and size, tone and culture, every orientation and gender identity, every socioeconomic station, relationship status, political belief, ability, and challenge.
All are welcome to pray and praise, celebrate, and sorrow, rejoice and recover.
God nurtures us in love, and we are made whole.
Welcome to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We’re glad you’re here!